Chess Puzzle
Chess Puzzle
This is our classic chess puzzle, where players must gather chess pieces from around the room, potentially given as rewards for solving prior puzzles, and use a code to figure out where to place them on the Board. Once all the pieces are placed in the right location, the drawer below the chessboard will open, revealing an object contained inside.
By default, the Puzzle contains 5 pieces, 4 of which are gatherable and one, the black king, which is preplaced on the board, so as the players place the pieces on the board, they are putting the black king in checkmate (note, we made sure that no prior knowledge of Chess is needed for this puzzle, the aspect of Checkmating the king is more for theming and as a nice detail).
This system uses our standard MiniBox to control the Maglock, and can be customised to use additional pieces, and to play sound upon the puzzles completion. The box comes with a standard wooden finish but can be customised by our talented in house decorators to fit any theme of room. Please follow this link for examples of our finishes: LINK HERE TO BLISS’S FINISH EXAMPLES